Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Today is wednesday! I am working on cooking supper. I have a little more to go the kids will be home shortly we will study and  then they will eat! It is getting bad weather, o and johnny called this morning he said there was a excutioin the reason he couldnt call yesterday he is taking the program serious he tells me he has a prayer and speech he has to do. I am proud of him . I for got to mentoin he was  in prison currently we are dealing with it. I go to school and live life day to day it is hard not having my soul mate here day in day out but we mnake and when he comes home we are going to relive each moment we missed by  doing things we never done i want to go bowling we have never went bowling. So we are as a family! I want to take the kids and johnny to the movie. I cvan not remeber wen we went to a movie. I want to go to movie as a family we went when we started dating all the time but we  never went since we have had children i want take them to a movie and us a s a family. I also want johnny and i to go to a movie we will have a date night when he comes home!  just him and i will go on little excursions like a movie or red lobster for our anniversary one day he is going to read this blog each page of it and when you do johnny i hope you see what i have been waiting on! i want us to do all the normal things a married couple does. The things we have missed out on. A movie bowlin going to the mall you always send me to shop and you not go but we are going like teenagers and walk around .  i want to go to the lake and fish and swimm .  I love you so much and there is so much things we  need to do .

1 comment:

  1. Stay strong. I know you guys will share so many wonderful memories together with you precious children soon. God has a plan for all of us, and even when we don't understand, we must trust Him. I'm so inspired by you and how you stay so strong in your faith.
